Try the search, it's linked to some great forums

Friday, July 29, 2011

Google Campus over 1948 aerial survey


github - Git Real?

So more technology makes for better people, OK so I give;

Facebook API Installation

Facebooks instructions for getting hooked up to their git hub;

Github repository = git clone git://


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Popover's & their delegate for iPads

The following code is a simple implementation of a popover using a separate view controller & xib file.  First the instantiation & display code;
    InfoViewController *popoverView = [[InfoViewController alloc] init];
    popoverView.delegate = self; 
// Creates the popoverController object
    infoPopover = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:popoverView];
    [infoPopover setDelegate:self];
    [infoPopover presentPopoverFromRect:CGRectMake(512, 200, 10, -30) inView:self.view permittedArrowDirections:0 animated:NO];
    [infoPopover setPopoverContentSize:CGSizeMake(400, 500)];

and then instructions;
in PopoverViewController
the .xib file
  • in the view change the status bar = None, so that you can resize the screen
  • add controls as you like
the .h file:
  • add IBOutlet IBActions to match the xib file
  • connect them to the xib objects
  • add delegate protocol & method definitions at the bottom of the file
  • add the delegate property using assign & id
.m file:
  • synthesize & release the popover controls
In the delegate 
the .h file
  • add the conforms to
  • add a UIPopoverController property use assign for the property
  • Add an IBAction show button to display the popover
the .m file
  • Add the delegate's methods
See ZenDesk for a nice implementation

This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger

More errors when downloading onto the device.  This error can be cleared by applying the 1st rule of computing to Xcode & the device.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Potala, Lhasa, Tibet

More great spherical panoramas from 360Cities;

the Potala Palace (budalagong) in tibet

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Facebook connect

Here's a tutorial for what we're talkin' about;

Hopefully that's it?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Codesign error

The following error appeared after working on my provisioning profile;
CodeSign error: Certificate identity 'iPhone Developer: CHRIS LAMB (W8LV24J2J6)' appears more than once in the keychain. The codesign tool requires there only be one.

Need to go back into Applications - Utilities - Keychain Access and delete the extra certificate in the Keychain program.

Provisioning Profiles

What they are and why - a direct Apple quote ;
A provisioning profile is a collection of digital entities that uniquely ties developers and devices to an authorized iPhone Development Team and enables a device to be used for testing. A Development Provisioning Profile must be installed on each device on which you wish to run your application code. Each Development Provisioning Profile will contain a set of iPhone Development Certificates, Unique Device Identifiers and an App ID. Devices specified within the provisioning profile can be used for testing only by those individuals whose iPhone Development Certificates are included in the profile. A single device can contain multiple provisioning profiles.
Simply though:
Check for the status on both your device (iPhone/iPad) and within Xcode

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Provisional profiling errors

The following error will prevent you from connecting an iPad to your code for device testing;
"The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile.."

Provisioning has gotten easier over the years, and I just generally blindly follow the assistant on the developer's page.  A few thing to remember;

The provisioning profile is matched to your specific device, so make sure that you are building the profile for what your device is named.  That can be found on the iPad/iPhone is Settings - General - Profiles

There are 4 components that must jibe;
  1. Apple Device
  2. App ID
  3. Development Certificate
  4. Profile Description

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

More stuff to learn?

-Experience with Unity3D (most important!)
-Experience with OpenFeint (achievements/leaderboards)
-Experience with GameCenter (achievements/leaderboards)
-Experience with Greystripe (ads)
-Experience with Facebook Connect

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Create an UIButton programatically

Include this in viewDidLoad to setup the basic button;
    [button addTarget:self  action:@selector(buttonPressed:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
    [button setTitle:@"Button" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
    button.frame = CGRectMake(20, 108, 97, 37);
    [self.view addSubview:button];

This button will do whatever is defined within the buttonPressed: method

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Three20 Framework

Try this python script cmd:
python three20/src/scripts/ -p Install320/Install320.xcodeproj Three20
And this link is where the info & tutorial are;

Use this method to add the Three20 framework to your project;

Manually add Three20 to your project

  1. Locate the "Three20.xcodeproj" file under "three20/src/Three20/". Drag Three20.xcodeproj and drop it onto the root of your Xcode project's "Groups and Files" sidebar. A dialog will appear -- make sure "Copy items" is unchecked and "Reference Type" is "Relative to Project" before clicking "Add".
  2. Open the Three20 Xcode Project that you just added to your app and expand the "Dependencies" group. Select all of the projects listed there and drag them to your app as well. You should now have the following list of Three20 projects added to your app:
    • Three20Core
    • Three20Network
    • Three20Style
    • Three20UICommon
    • Three20UINavigator
    • Three20UI
    • Three20
  3. Link the Three20 static libraries to your project. Select all of the project items that you just added to the sidebar.Under the "Details" table, you will see a number of items, such as libThree20.a and libThree20Core.a. Check the checkbox on the far right for each of the lib files (not the UnitTests). This will link each part of the Three20 framework to your app.
  4. Add Three20 as a dependency of your project, so Xcode compiles it whenever you compile your project. Expand the "Targets" section of the sidebar and double-click your application's target. Under the "General" tab you will see a "Direct Dependencies" section. Click the "+" button, select "Three20" and each of the other libs, and click "Add Target". You do not need to add the UnitTests target for each lib.
  5. Add the bundle of images and strings to your app. Locate "Three20.bundle" under "three20/src" and drag and drop it into your project. A dialog will appear -- make sure "Create Folder References" is selected, "Copy items" is unchecked, and "Reference Type" is "Relative to Project" before clicking "Add".
  6. Add the Core Animation framework to your project. Right click on the "Frameworks" group in your project (or equivalent) and select Add > Existing Frameworks. Then locate QuartzCore.framework and add it to the project.
  7. Finally, tell your project where to find the Three20 headers. Open your "Project Settings" and go to the "Build" tab. Look for "Header Search Paths" and double-click it. Add the relative path from your project's directory to the "three20/Build/Products/three20" directory.
  8. While you are in Project Settings, go to "Other Linker Flags" under the "Linker" section, and add "-ObjC" to the list of flags. WARNING: Make sure that you do this for all configuration settings, not just the active one.
  9. You're ready to go. Just #import "Three20/Three20.h" anywhere you want to use Three20 classes in your project. It's recommended that you do so in a precompiled header for faster build times.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

More glossary

continue; - use similar to break;

Monday, July 11, 2011

Private methods

Use this coding in the top of your .m file to prevent compiler warnings - "undeclared selector" @interface HelloWorld (PrivateMethods)
-(void) initSprites;
-(void) performActionSequenceOnNode:(CCNode*)node;

This tells the compiler that there are methods out there that will be defined


Singleton - is a regular class that is instantiated (created) only ONCE for the duration of the application.  It can be used anywhere by any class at any time, much like global variables
CCDirector - singleton class that stores global configuration settings & manages cocos2d scenes
CCNode - defines a lot of common properties & methods.  CCNodes are like views with addChild, getChildByTag etc.
CCAction - used to move, rotate, scale nodes or sprites.
@selector(anyMethod:) - Is a way of specifying a specific method (anyMethod).
CCLayer - is typically used to group nodes together & receive touch & accelerometer input if enabled.
CCScene - is always the first node in a scene graph.
CCTransitionScene - allows for many very cool transitions between scenes (page 52).
keeping a weak reference - Not retaining an object whose memory is managed by another class or object

Solar Sinter - So hot, I want one!

Markus Kayser - Solar Sinter Project from Markus Kayser on Vimeo.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Outstanding snippets to do

animation block
custom font installation
view hierarchy
popovers - Citizen Science

Another way cool citizen science project.  This one has you transcribe wind & weather data from old British ship logs.  The data is then plugged into climate modeling programs.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Animation block with completion code

This method allow you to string together animation features;
    // FADE block animation method - THIS contains the basic animation features   
    [UIView animateWithDuration:1.2 delay:delaySeconds
                         viewTop.alpha = 0.0;
                         viewBottom.alpha = 1.0;
                     completion:^(BOOL finished) {       // remove both views & loop to slideShowSwitch
                         [viewTop removeFromSuperview]; 
                         [viewBottom removeFromSuperview];
                         [viewTop release];
                         [viewBottom release];
                         [self photoLoop];

The completion: parameter allows you to branch to other functions ONCE the animation is complete.  The animation block runs on a background thread, and does NOT pause execution of the rest of the code

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

NSLog debugger statements - proper use of;

Use these # statements for NSLog debugger statements so that they DON'T execute on final apps;
#ifdef DEBUG
    NSLog(@"Setup popover should display %@",  anyObject);

The %@ displays the name (actually descriptor) of anyObject object.  Good for troubleshooting!