Try the search, it's linked to some great forums

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Drone Deploy model



Thursday, August 25, 2016

W5 Who-What-Where-When WOW Photo sharing with friends

W5 is another f'in photo share app but with a twist.
  • It allows people to share photos that have the W5 data of who, what, where & when encoded in the photos.
  • It then allows you to search n filter, slice N dice those photos any way you want and then display great slideshows.
  • Say what?  Try it might just work, hopefully.

Monday, July 18, 2016

RouteTracker instructions

Home screen
This is the screen you first see after starting the app.  It displays the distribution list currently loaded.  It also displays the current route selected or All if no route is selected as well as the route info of number of stops, copies, bundles and returns for that route.

Home Screen

The toolbar at the bottom of the screen is used to navigate between the various screen of the app.

Setup Screen
This screen is used to configure the app the way the User wants to.  This screen is scroll-able and has controls that scroll up from the bottom.

Setup Screen bottom
Setup Screen top

The setup screen from top to bottom includes;
The name of the distribution list currently selected
The name of the currently selected route, or All if no route is selected
Route statistics including number of Stops, Returns, Bundles and Copies
A picker wheel for selecting the distribution list