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Friday, May 25, 2012

Mobile App development SDKs

This a list of mobile SDKs, their links and info about each;
Phonegap - another HTML5 SDK

Sencha - another HTML5 SDK

Here's a great article about various platforms, including the table summary below;

Before going into the details of each SDK, in the table below we can analyze the programming languages and platforms supported by each tool.
SDK Language Win Support iOS Support Android Support Symbian Support Console Support
Shiva3d C++ Yes Yes Yes No Wii
SIO2 C-C++ Yes Yes Yes No No
Unity JavaScript, C#, Python Yes Yes Yes No Xbox, PS3, Wii
Corona Lua Yes Yes Yes No No
PhoneGap HTML, Javascript Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Titanium Mobile HTML, Javascript No Yes Yes No No
cocos2d-x C++ Yes Yes Yes No No
Edgelib C++ Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Moai C++ Yes Yes Yes No No
Marmalade C-C++ Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Simple DirectMedia Layer C++ Yes Yes No Yes No