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Thursday, December 20, 2012

GitHub - What's it all about GitHub?

GitHub is a project version control software that's open source and in wide use today.  The following info is a series of tips and a quick start guide.

GitHub has a server repository (project directory & all files and folders) on the GitHub website and a local repository which sits in your computer.   The User works on the local repository, which is a complete set of files that allow local changes.  Changes to the project are committed at appropriate times to the local repository, and then can be pushed & pulled with the GitHub repository in order to insure version control.

Push - sends your committed changes in your local repository to the GitHub repository, where those changes are integrated into the project, and are now available to everyone else.
Pull - updates your local files with the latest version from the server
Commit - Takes changes that you have been making locally to the project and saves them to your local repository
Synch - provides first a push of committed changes, then a pull from the GitHub repository, and provides that both local & GitHub versions are identical.
Clone in Desktop - used to create a local repository and launches GitHub for Mac.  Help file.
Repository - a location for your project????
Download ZIP - provides a compressed file of the whole project.  This is simplest way to go if you just want to inspect & run the program without any need for synching & updating.  You can then unZIP the program on your local drive.

Quick Start
Open Github from your toolbar
Click on File-Add Local Repository
Navigate to the existing iOS project folder and Press Add
If a warning about no repository exists Press Create & Add
Add summary & description text and then Press Publish (in the upper right)
Add name & description for what is to appear on the server and Press Push Repository
 <<Or something like this>>
Goto  your account in Github on the web -