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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Facebook Integration notes

Notes & research;
FB Graph API URL -

From FBs documentation
Uploading Photos and Creating Photo Albums
Apps are able to publish and create new photo albums, and publish photos via the Graph API on behalf of people or Facebook Pages. Photos can be uploaded by sending the actual image files, or by using URLs of images already on the internet.
Read These Docs
Use These APIs
 Other links:
Good Wenderlich tutorial -

More Info from FBs API
Telling Stories with Open Graph
Open Graph lets apps tell stories on Facebook through a structured, strongly typed API.
People use stories to share the things they're doing, the people they're doing them with and the places where they happen. Open Graph lets you integrate apps deeply into the Facebook experience, which increases engagement, distribution and growth.
FBs tutorial for an Open Graph Story integration -

Stunning example of FBs Story photo album  I take back what I said about FBs slideshow features!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Google Drive API Integration

These are various notes & references for theabove task;

DrEdit is a sample/template app from Google that allows The User to log on to their personal Google Drive and access files.  I am integrating it into the RouteTracker app.

Changing folder view -
Another thread -
Beginning to understand the Query process -

We had a problem with compiling ARC and nonARC (retain, release) files.  The older DrEdit project was non ARC & would not compile with my newer ARC built file.  This post fixed it - Trick is to add -fno-objc-arc  to the compile sources for each file that creates an error. Cludgey!

CoreLocation setup - iOS 8 requires a new means of setting up user location enabling in your app.  This post explains everything in good detail -  Don't forget to add the new NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key into the pList.

NSUserDefaults - This class is used to store app parameters & other values needed to be passed around to the various controllers.  Here's a nice tutorial-