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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Google Drive API Integration

These are various notes & references for theabove task;

DrEdit is a sample/template app from Google that allows The User to log on to their personal Google Drive and access files.  I am integrating it into the RouteTracker app.

Changing folder view -
Another thread -
Beginning to understand the Query process -

We had a problem with compiling ARC and nonARC (retain, release) files.  The older DrEdit project was non ARC & would not compile with my newer ARC built file.  This post fixed it - Trick is to add -fno-objc-arc  to the compile sources for each file that creates an error. Cludgey!

CoreLocation setup - iOS 8 requires a new means of setting up user location enabling in your app.  This post explains everything in good detail -  Don't forget to add the new NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key into the pList.

NSUserDefaults - This class is used to store app parameters & other values needed to be passed around to the various controllers.  Here's a nice tutorial-