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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Creating an Animap Sailing tracker

These directions are for building an animated map of multiple GPX files uploaded from MotionX GPS to the Animaps app.  It allows the user to create a fully animated 2D Google map displaying the tracks of multiple sailboats during a race.  Here's how it done;
  1. In MotionX GPS create a track of your sail from dock to dock.
  2. Upon completion of the race, upload and share your track to the yacht club's email address
  3. Make sure to label it with your boats name and date
  4. On your PC save all the boat tracks .GPX files to a dated directory for storage.  The GPX files have timestamps within the data, allowing for the app to show actual speed over the course.
  5. Open and  login to your Animaps account
  6.  .....
  7.  .....
  8.  .....

That's all there is to it.  Enjoy.
Here's an example of one of the resulting maps.
tip: use the button with the X to toggle map controls 
