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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

GitHub - Git the hell outa here

Here are some GitHub commands that may be of use

Here's a nice tutorial on setting up a project with Github & Xcode's Source Control shtuff - Xcode Source Control tutorial

and here's a great manual -

  • Create a new repository (or clear out the old!) - git init 
  • Clones the repository locally - git clone -  
  • Update local repository with latest remote - git fetch
  • Move to a different repository branch - git checkout develop
  • Updating my local repository from the upstream repository (it's a git rebase --skip fool!) - see this StackOverFlow posting  
  • Update the repository, Duh! - git submodule update
  • Which branch you're in - git branch
  •  Shows whatever! - git status
  •  Shows who you're linked to - git remote -v
  • Links to it's upstream master - git remote add upstream
  • Review the vide0 - git fetch upstream
  • Create an alias (shortcut command ie  git last) - git config --global alias.last 'log -1 HEAD'
  • Adds these files to the commit - git add README test.rb LICENSE
  • Performs commit w/comment - git commit -m 'initial commit of my project'
  • Short form status - git status -a
  • Displays your last 2 commits - git log -2
  • Adds the remote repository - git remote add CPLTutorial
  • Pushes the local repositorys master branch to the remote repository - git push CPLTutorial master
  •  Going back to a prior commit.  Here's an excellent StackOverflow post, or just -
    git reset --hard 0d1d7fc32xyz120


And as a bonus Cocoapod cmd lines

  • Cocoapods version -  gem which cocoapods
  • Installs cocoapods - gem install cocoapods

And a few generic UNIX cmds to sweeten things up
  •  cd ~/Downloads - ???changes to directory directly?
  • jekyll serve --baseurl '' - Runs the Jekyll website thang
  • nano .bash_profile - a simple editor for editing your bash profile 
  • export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Programs:$PATH - creates an auto reference to a folder
  • pwd - Show directory tree