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Friday, July 24, 2015

WG Tutorial draft - ArcGIS Vector Layers

ESRI's ArcGIS platform has a huge number of datasets, as well as the ability to generate your own thru the ArcGIS application.  Here are a few examples of what we're going to build today.

You’ll need a sample project for this tutorial. Go back and start with the Hello Earth tutorial and work thru the CartoDB Tutorial.  We’ll want the tiling logic from that tutorial.  If you'd rather just get started with those files, you can download them here;
OK to summarize, in this app we're are going to utilize remote datasets from ESRI's (that's the Environmental Systems Research Institute, I just finally learned) ArcGIS website.  ArcGIS is the premier GIS application out there, and it's used by everyone.  Check it out, join, whatever, but you'll have to do it on your own time.

In this app, we are going to load one of their great base maps a National Geographic globe found here.
And as a second act we are going to access one of their vector data sets showing New York City's flood zones found here.

As mentioned above, we're not going to get into much of the details of ArcGIS or how the Hello Earth vector tiling works, that's detailed elsewhere.  So, let's get setup.  I changed the CartoDB files to ArcGISLayer, and it's associated method to addVectors, just to be pedantic about it.  Run the app and you should get the CartoDB view of NYC's landlords or whatever.  If not, make it so.

ArcGIS Base Map - National Geographic World Map
So first thing we're going to load up one of ArcGIS's base maps, the beautiful & revered National Geographic World Map.  All we have to do change the URL reference in the existing code & the new map should appear, as if by magic.  Find where that's done in viewDidLoad, and replace the URL string with this URL;

code chunk to find;
         // Portions Courtesy NASA/JPL­Caltech and U.S. Depart. of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency
        MaplyRemoteTileSource *tileSource =  [[MaplyRemoteTileSource alloc]
             initWithBaseURL:@"                                 NatGeo_World_Map/MapServ/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}"
             ext:@"png" minZoom:0 maxZoom:maxZoom];

you also need to adjust the maxZoom value (in this case - 17) and make sure the ext:file is png.  The /tile/{z}/{y}/{x} appended to the end of the URL is a specific requirement of ??Whatever??

Run the app, zoom way out, and you should get a great rendition of everyone's favorite Nat Geo globe.  Easy Peasey!

Next up - Vector Layers
Vector layers are datasets that return polygons, attributes and other things.  The mechanics of how WhirlyGlobe handles this data is thoroughly detailed in the CartoDB tutorial, and you should review that there if you like.  Here today we are simply going to replace the CartoDB data with data from ArcGIS, specifically showing the various different flood zones in the NYC area.  We'll also make a few other changes to make the displayed data pop!  Here goes;

As discussed, we have created a CartoDBLayer object that conforms to the MaplyPagingDelegate.  This object then queries the remote data source for the data required by the tiles displayed with the method startFetchForTile:forLayer:.  This query is comprised of 2 portions, a URL for the remote server, and a SQL query that are joined together in the constructRequest method.  Let's start by changing the URL to -
in the CartoDBLayer constructRequest code

code chunk to find;
- (NSURLRequest *)constructRequest:(MaplyBoundingBox)bbox
    // construct a query string
    double toDeg = 180/M_PI;
    NSString *query = [NSString stringWithFormat:search,bbox.ll.x*toDeg,bbox.ll.y*toDeg,bbox.ur.x*toDeg,bbox.ur.y*toDeg];
    NSString *encodeQuery = [query stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    encodeQuery = [encodeQuery stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"&" withString:@"%26"];
    NSString *fullUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"",encodeQuery];
    NSURLRequest *urlReq = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:fullUrl]];
    return urlReq;

A we'll also need to change the query in the VController's addBuildings method

code chunk to find;
- (void)addBuildings
    NSString *search = @"WHERE=Zone>=1&f=pgeojson&outSR=4326";
    // NSString *search = @"SELECT the_geom,address,ownername,numfloors FROM mn_mappluto_13v1 WHERE the_geom && ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(%f, %f), ST_Point(%f, %f)), 4326) LIMIT 2000;";
    CartoDBLayer *cartoLayer = [[CartoDBLayer alloc] initWithSearch:search];
    cartoLayer.minZoom = 13;
    cartoLayer.maxZoom = 15;

outSR is the ouptpu spacial reference, and pgeojson also defines the output format.
Run the project, and you should see the layers for the flood zones.  Not?  OK, lets adjust a few things to see what's going on;
  • Change the mni/maxZoom levels = 9 to 13
  • Modify the initial zoom level to 0.008
  • query for a single zone>=4
  • Also let's add in a NSLog statement to see if data is being returned
code chunk to find;
    [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:urlReq queue:opQueue completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *connectionError)
        NSLog(@"returned data length is %lu", (unsigned long)data.length);

Run the project again, and you should see some data displayed.  It's not exactly what we want, but at least we know we're receiving data, Yay!  Now lets clean up this bad boy.

Through the magic of files fiddling, we finally end up with -
Tweaking the app to make it look Good!
Very pretty.

Here are the various completed files for your programming pleasure;
  • ViewController.m
  • ArcGISLayer.h
  • ArcGISLayer.m